Join the 100 Women, a circle of giving that recognizes those who have donated $100 or more Utah Women Run.
Ceilings get broken, pay gaps are filled, and we get a seat at the table when women invest in other women.
Sui Lang Panoke
Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Rethink International
Senior Vice President, Culture of Zions Bank
I give because:
“Investing in women has a broader social impact as it benefits families, communities and, ultimately, societies.”
Becki Wright
Founder & CEO of Proximity
I give because:
“Investing in women is a cornerstone for building inclusive societies. Progress for women benefits us all.”
Morgan Lyon Cotti
Associate Director of Hinckley Institute of Politics
I give because:
“When we invest in women, we invest in a stronger and healthier future for everyone.”
Melanie Hall
Communications Director of Utah Department of Commerce
I give because:
“When women thrive, economies prosper: Nations that protect and promote women’s health experience better productivity.”
Erin Rider
Associate at Dorsey & Whitney LLP
I give because:
“Women-led businesses play an essential role in creating jobs, raising standards of living, and boosting inclusive growth.”