Join the 100 Women, a circle of giving that recognizes those who have donated $100 or more Utah Women Run.

Ceilings get broken, pay gaps are filled, and we get a seat at the table when women invest in other women.

Sui Lang Panoke

Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Rethink International
Senior Vice President, Culture of Zions Bank

I give because:

“Investing in women has a broader social impact as it benefits families, communities and, ultimately, societies.”

Becki Wright

Founder & CEO of Proximity

I give because:

“Investing in women is a cornerstone for building inclusive societies. Progress for women benefits us all.

Morgan Lyon Cotti

Associate Director of Hinckley Institute of Politics

I give because:

“When we invest in women, we invest in a stronger and healthier future for everyone.”

Melanie Hall

Communications Director of Utah Department of Commerce

I give because:

“When women thrive, economies prosper: Nations that protect and promote women’s health experience better productivity.”

Erin Rider

Associate at Dorsey & Whitney LLP

I give because:

“Women-led businesses play an essential role in creating jobs, raising standards of living, and boosting inclusive growth.”

“Investing in women means investing in the people who invest in everyone else.”

Melinda Gates